So yesterday was a crazy day.
I spent yesterday morning at VBS. After finishing up around 12:30, I picked Katie up at work and we went out for lunch at Aroma's. I knew I was going to be eating a lot yesterday, so I had a salad.:) We ate and talked and made plans for me to crash the magazine committee meeting at Corner Brook High when I come home for Christmas. :) When I dropped Katie back at work after lunch, she wouldn't get out of the car. aahhaa. oh Katie.

Heather and I were supposed to go to the beach after lunch, but since it was raining, I did some banking instead. Our house bank account is now set up and ready to go. We even switched the light bill over into the McWhiteson name. Not really.
At three, I picked Kristin up to go to Tim Horton's for some catching up and goodbyeage. But we went to Steady Brook for ice cream instead. I'll relay the conversation to you.
Meagan says: "Hi Kristin."
Kristin says: "Hi Meagan."
Meagan says: "Where are we going? Tim Horton's was just a suggestion."
Kristin says: "Where do you want to go?"
Meagan says: "I don't know. Where do you want to go?"
Kristin says: "Oh yah. We're both bad at making decisions."
Meagan says: "Well, do you feel like donuts or ice cream or do you even want food?"
Kristin says: "Oooooooh. Ice cream sounds good."
Meagan says: "Good! Where do you want to go? There's McDonald's and Dairy Queen and all those places - let's not go to a restaurant. And there's the stand by the mill. And George's has really good ice cream."
Kristin says: "George's is really far away."
Meagan says: "It's not that far. OH. They have this reeeeeeeally good kind of ice cream there. It's called White Velvet Blush. It's strawberry cheesecake with white chocolate cups. And the white chocolate cups are filled with strawberries."
Kristin drools.
Meagan says: "I think we're going to George's."

Kristin went to Washington this summer to see the Holocaust museum. That's so interesting. I'm a little jealous. Annnnnyway, Kristin and I spent our outing laughing at our sleepover and reliving our trip to Ottawa and smiling at how wonderful it was to play trombone together in the Herdman Wind Symphony and Stage Band for two years.:)
Ku-ku-ku-cold ice cream, Kristin.

I almost died when Kristin told me about when she took her driving test. The examiner asked her to flash her brake lights, but she apparently has some sort of hearing problem, so she barped the horn instead. The examiner got in the car and asked her if she even knew which one was the gas pedal. Kristin. Barp so does not sound like brake.
Oh Kristin. Concert band will not be the same without you by my side. Ohh man. I just thought about jazz band. Who's going to stroke my foot while she keeps the beat? BAHA. Sigh. I'm sure Mr. Phil Holoway or whoever that amazing Sally Ann Trombone Player going to MUN is won't wear matching pajamas with me when we go on band trips.
Be a kick-bum Principal Trombonist in Wind Symphony this year, Kristin. And play some Disney trombone solos and think of me.

After dropping Kristin off, I picked up a cheeseburger for me and brought my Grammy an icecream from McDonald's. Grammy went to Bonne Bay today, so I had to say my goodbyes yesterday. Sigh. I'll not talk about it. I love my Grammy a whole, whole lot. She is wonderful beyond words.
And thhhhhhhhhhheeeeen Heather picked me up for our final Corner Brook hanging out. She told me only that I shouldn't eat much for supper and that she'd pick me up at 8. Our first stop was the East Side Soccer Pitch, where we met during the summer before grade seven on the Under 12 All Star Girls' Soccer Team. Confused? Yes. We both stunk. They took everyone who tried out.
Next we went to G. C. Rowe, our junior high.
Oh, junior high. How happy I am to be rid of you.
Then to Pizza Delight, which will forever co-incide with wonderful post-grade-nine-prom memories. We were given the biggest booth in the restaurant, and we ordered a nine inch garlic fingers between us. Haha. Fooled them.
Then we drove by our junior high bus stop. The bus stop we used to get off at was actually neither or our real bus stops, but it was kind of in the middle of our houses. We'd get off at this bus stop and spend a half hour talking in the field before walking the rest of the way home. Wow. I'd forgotten how attachedatthehip we were.
Following the bus stop, we went to the Eastside Valley Playground, where we've spent oh so many evenings talking on the swings. Here, we talked about how I'd found the diary which chronologized my grade ten crush on a certain tall and lanky individual. And we talked about how I systematically shredded the diary. True story.
Our final stop was our beloved Herdman, from which all great memories grow. After sitting down on the bench, Heather said, "Every princess needs a tiara," and she handed me a crown. Ok. Heather and I have always wanted to sit down with a full cake and two forks and just dig in.
. . . .
Yah, we did that.
Then she broke out the baked chips and onion dip. My favourite. And guess what we did while we ate. Yes. Heather had a slide show presentation prepared of our friendship, which we watched on the little portable DVD player. FOR REAL.
Heather<3. I can't believe you thought of all that. I'm so excited that you planned it all out for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. How shweet.
And, in conclusion, saying goodbye to so many different people means a whole lot of eating. Yesterday, I had Aroma's, McDonald's, Pizza Delight, George's ice cream, plus chip and dip and cake. Just roll me in to orientation.