To Write Love on Her Arms
Honestly, I feel like I don't have much to say anymore. I'm not sure why. I've always been a thinker. I specialize in well-thought out pieces. I just feel . . . drained.
So here is my last stitch effort to save my perhaps already dead blog. Some encouragement may go a long way.
Firstly, I'm in Corner Brook now. Hopefully, you know that. My trip to NYC was excellent. It's an exciting, amazing place that I can't wait to visit again. My time in Corner Brook has been somewhat uneventful. Which is not such a bad thing. I did a few things with the girls, saw my nieces, spent some time with Grammy, went to band practice and church, rollerbladed with my parents, and slept in a lot. Tonight, I had a long talk with Sarah Woodland. It was nice and exacly what I needed.
I'm heading to St. John's on Monday for a concert. I'm really looking forward to it. Then it's back home for another few days until I'm back in St. John's for a few months on May 19.
I'm a little concerned about the MCAT summer. My books arrived via Robyn, and it's pretty insane. How anyone learns all that stuff in two months is beyond me. Lots of studying for me this summer.
I've been thinking lately about where I'd like to go for my second degree. Most of me wants to stay in St. John's, because it's comfortable, but part of me realizes that this is probably my last opportunity for adventure. But I don't have much interest in going to Nova Scotia or Ontario, and schools in the states would probably be way too expensive. My new idea, though, is to do my residency somewhere exciting (NYC, perhaps?!). It's the perfect plan, because it would only be for a couple years, and I would be paid, not paying. So we'll see how that goes.
That's all from me for now.
Somehow, I feel a little more alive.

yay! you blogged! funny story.
i was doing my daily blog checking and i was like "i should check meagan's" because i hadn't in a long time, so i clicked on your address and before the page came up i was like "no..she never updates anymore.." so i was going to press "stop" but then i said "well i might as well just check, i don't really have anything else pressing to do" haha. And then the page had appeared and you can imagine my surprise when i saw that you HAD updated! yay! keep updatingg! :)
9:31 AM
You should put a picture where a picture is supposed to go in your profile.
Because you don't have one.
And you should.
11:36 AM
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