Oh Love, Come On, Get Me Down
In 365 days I changed. I rushed back to my house last January in a taxi with some cool new stuff, and hurried off to what I believe turned out to be a sold-out movie. I went to my first retreat and learned how to roast marshmallows over candles. I became addicted to twerpz, and consequently acquired my first three (three!) cavities. I learned how to stamp. I got my first (and second) black doll. I went to Nationals, and almost got to go to San Francisco. I learned to play timbrels. I almost left my church. I gave my testimony for the first time. I temporarily lost my ability to play my trombone, and I found my love for music again. I made friends with people who I thought didn't know I was in the world. I lost several people in different ways, but grew closer to others than I could ever have imagined. I fell in love with many people on many different levels. And I had an amazing Christmas at home.
How I've proved Him o'er and o'er.
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