Will You Feel Bett-o
What a weird and wonderful weekend.
Friday started for me at about 11:23 a.m.. First time I slept in that late since like SAFEGRAD. Crazy man. As I'm debating whether to eat breakfast or lunch, I get a call from Jane. "Meagan," she says, "This is your last Sunday!" "Why yes, Jane, this is my last Sunday," I reply. "Well then, Meagan, you must play piano for the offering on your last Sunday." "Humm. Alright then, Jane," I say.
So, after spending alllll afternoon trying to figure out what to play, I finally decided to debut my ear-playing abilities at Corner Brook Temple. Yep. Sarah Woodland likes "Above All," so I picked that one. Yeeeeep.
Then I'm talking to Jacob on msn, and he says we should do a duet. Of course I'm all in. So I go to his house, where we spend an hour and fourty-five minutes practicing "You Raise Me Up" and trying to play two hymns at once. Then we decide to wait until Christmas to do a duet, and I go home and eat supper with my parents. After being invited to stay for supper about 29385239 times by Jacob's dad. :)
I'm going to switch to the past tense now.
As we all know, Friday was Heather's birthday. After supper, we totally went back to that movie store that we were too young for like 9 days ago and opened a membership. It was very satisfying. And then we watched My Girl 2 with Robyn.
On Saturday morning, we finally did that park picnic that Josh has been planning forever. Only four of us could make it, but that's ok. We picked up pizza and brought it to the Regatta to cheer on the Awesome Possums. Who actually won. We wore hats and everything. Too cool, guys. Too cool.
Smile. You're at Pizza Delight.

Totally got my face painted.

Oh yah. I got to say goodbye to Nancy for like the 293823498th time at the Regatta. :(
After dropping everyone else off, I got to hang out with Katie at Wal-Mart. Awesome.
When I got home, mom decided that it was a good time to do some back to school clothes shopping. Excellent. And I am verrrrrry happy to report that I had a successful jeans shopping trip. Bluenotes is liking my body shape this season. :) And I(Mom) also bought three t-shirts, a zip up sweater, and six pairs of socks. If only it had costed thirty-four dollars.
At 8:50, I was peer pressured into seeing Snakes on a Plane with Josh, Jacob, Sarah, and Ashley. What an absolutely horrible movie. Don't go see it. After the movie, Ashley flew the coup, and the rest of us went to the Thompson household to get costumes to wear through the McDonald's drive through. We got some weird looks.
Jacob and I spent thirty minutes skateboarding and rollerblading around the Zellers parking lot, while Sarah tried to lock us out of my car and Josh chased us around.
And then church came. Kent started the band pep talk with a nice nostalgic "Goodbye Meagan" which made me pretty sad. Sigh. And then Rick did a nice public "Goodbye Meagan" with the announcements. Determined to make me cry, they are. You should have seen the bulletin, though. I feel special. Nice subtle title there, guys.

For lunch, my family brought Grammy to Humber Valley Resort. It was really sunny and warm, and if felt so summer-ish.
After lunch, I went to Staples for Employee Shopping Day, where I got over sixty dollars back from my camera. I'm so lucky.
After the shopping, I . . . wait for it . . . went out for supper with Erika. Yes, she's in town. We went to Pizza Delight, and then to the park for a short swing before church. And, for the record, I brought my Bombay photo album to show her, because it's the only printed evidence of my summer that I have, and she found it almost as funny as I do. Man, I forgot how much I miss that girl. We can relate to eachother on almost everything. And she's always, always, on my side. I love you Erika Barrett. <3

And then the evening service. Rick let me pick my favourite song which, of course, was "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" - all four verses - for sentimental reasons. That made my day as much as the program.
Sigh. I love my church so much. Home doesn't even begin to cover it.
On another note, I've developed an unhealthy addiction to selected Regina Spektor songs. I'm in love with your daughter.
It was super creepy because when I loaded in to your blog I had Regina's Better playing. WOWZA.
6:30 PM
eew, in that Pizza Delight picture I was drooling =S
That tune on Sunday night was cool too. I laughed a little bit. Should I choose Boundless Salvation if I get to choose a tune?
10:12 PM
About time you posted something smashing! I knew you couldn't stay away forever, not with this much stuff hip and happening! I hope you plan on going through the Mcdonald's drive-thru with crazy costumes on in St.John's with me too.
p.s I wanna have her baby.
p.p.s I'm seeing you tomorrow night. And you're seeing me. And Heather. And that's final.
11:42 PM
p.p.p.s did you cry?
11:47 PM
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