You Are My Sweetest Downfall
Exciting news of the day? I bought my very own digital camera. mmmmhhhhmmmmmm. Totally pumped. It was a very spontaneous purchase. Staples had a wicked deal on a Kodak Easy Share {Sarah, it's either like yours, or is an earlier version of yours. I don't remember. And it's silver, not black). With the whole $50/week work arrangement, I'm very excited to be able to afford a camera. Now I'm broke. Actually, I secretly dipped a teeny bit into my scholarship money. But don't tell anyone.
I went to Jungle Jim's for supper with Heather and Nancy. It was quuuuiiiite the lovely evening. I haven't hung out with Nancy in ferrr ever. Nancy is heading to Toronto in September to spend a year working with inner city children with the Urban Promise program. I'm very proud of her :)

ALSO, we had a house meeting at 9. I'm feeling excited. I realized tonight how well the four of us get along. We'll be like a little family. Andrew is most definitely like the Grandpapa, because he's 19. I'll be the Mom. Robyn is the School Marm. And Josh is the seventeen year old university student son. baha.

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