Did I choose to love?

Monday, August 07, 2006

And that's why I love my Grammy

"While we were brushing our teeth when we got home, Grams totally snuck out in a good ol’ fashioned I’m-fifteen-and-I-want-to-see-my-boyfriend-so-I’ll-climb-out-this-window kind of way. By the time we caught her she was out in the middle of the bay."
- Sarah Smith
August 7, 2006

"Saturday, after supper, Meagan's Nan decided to go fishing. We all expected her to wait for us to be outside to leave, or something (I don't know why we expected this, but whatever). After I finished brushing my teeth, I looked into the girls' room, where they were lazing around on the beds. Something caught my eye out the window, and upon a second look, it was Nan, already 50 feet out in the water! After a shouted conversation with Meagan, she assured us that she wouldn't be going far, since 'One of the oars is broken.' Well that certainly aleviated Meagan's fear. Not."
- Josh Thompson
August 7, 2006


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