Remember Where We Are Now
Haaappy Birthday Ashley! Wow. Exciting stuff. After spending a few minutes sneaking around her house and vainly hoping she'd notice, we surprised Ashley at her door, blindfolded her, took her to our abandoned Herdman lawn, and had cake and presents on a blanket. Wonderful. It was like a scene from a movie. I've been working on this post for a full twelve hours and am horribly fed up with these pictures, so these are the only ones I can get to work. I'll post more later if they ever decided to co-operate. Either way, life is great.

Yay for picking out cake. This is immediately before we ask the lady to write "Happy 18th Birthday Ash-dawg!" on it.

We're close.

"We hope your charming prince comes riding in one gentle night and you find your toys dancing in the magical moonlight . . . "
"ooooooh Meagan! You are suuuch a good gift giver! It's exactly what I wanted!"
And Robyn was also there. But we've been over the photo situation.
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