Did I choose to love?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Refuse to Do Nothing

Dear Heather,

I tried.

And I failed.

I hope you still love me. :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

He Will Carry Me.

Even when I'm walking through the valley of the shadow
I will hold tight to the hand of Him whose love will comfort me.
And when all hope is gone and I've been wounded in the battle
He is all the strength that I will ever need.
He will carry me.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

It's Like Freaking Swiss Cheese

Every now and then, I have these moments of perfect clarity. Everything makes sense. All is well with the world.

Today, it was, surprise surprise, about my friends. I think I love my friends so completely because of something I never really had when I was growing up. I fill the hole that a lot of people would fill with their siblings with my closest friends. It is beautiful.

We are all full of holes. We are all lacking something that has the potential to ruin us. We have to fill our holes with something; it is the rule.

You lack a conventional sibling? Fill it with greed and spite, or fill it with a best friend. You lack a present parent? Fill it with bitterness, or fill it with trust and a family friend. You lack an outstanding talent? Fill it with jealously, or fill it with hard work. You lack direction in life? Fill it with fear, or fill it with faith.

What do I pick?

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

God Only Knows What I'd Be Without You

Yes, this is super blogging night.

We often group the people with whom we have a loose association and the people with whom we are endeared together as friends. But, Greek texts and some literal English translations of the Bible differentiate between the two: philo (friend); hetairos (comrade, associate, companion, partner).

Philos (which is translated friend) was originally an adjective denoting loved, dear, or friendly and later became used as a noun (Vines). A friend is one for whom we have affection (phile). We often express this type of friendly affection as "feeling" or "sentiment" - e.g., those for whom we have feelings. Therefore a friend (philos) is one whom we love (phile); hence, a friend is one whom we do good toward from an affectionate conviction.

In the third Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants novel, Bridget sits down and figures out to whom she belongs. In her case, it isn't her unconventional family, but, rather, is her three best friends.

When I read this, I started to sort out exactly who I belong to. I have a huge family, and, I suppose, I have a lot of people whom I would call friend. But to say you belong to someone is a pretty strong declaration. It's a deeper love. It's attachment. It's a constant concern. It's knowing all you can know. It's conversation when there is none. It's devotion when there is absolutely nothing to be gained.

I think I've decided that there are five people to whom I belong.

It is truly something to think about.

Monday, June 04, 2007

It's You, It's You

Today's newssssss: Meagan does not have a boyfriend!!!!

There has been oh so much talk about boyfriends and, in the case of just about all of my friend and I, the lack there-of lately. And, incase you don't know, any talk with me is always followed by thought in the ten-fold amount.

A quote I came across today reads: Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not.

Would I like to have a boyfriend? Yes. Would I like to have someone to parade around with and show off to my family and friends? Yes. Would I like to have the security of knowing that someone is completely devoted to our relationship? My. Goodness. Yes.

But I am blessed beyond measure. I have an amazing, complete, and loving family. The connection I have with my friends brings me more joy than I could ever begin to express. And I firmly believe that huge parts of our lives are dependent on circumstances in ways we do not understand. If I never cross paths with a soulmate, I'll have been given more love than I could ever have deserved.

Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not. Like so much else in life, it is a choice.

Today's newssssssss: Meagan does not have a boyfriend!!!! She has faith that, someday, she will. In the meantime, she is loved.