Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
We Can Only Go On Loving; All the Answers Lie Written in the Stars
On Friday, I met Heather at 2 and we hit the mall. I don't know what we were doing, but we were there for a whole lot of time and ended up getting a whole lot of stuff.
Back at home, after a nasty-looking-but-actually-pretty-ok supper of a taco bake, Sarah, Robyn, and I went downstairs and attempted to scrapbook, but found our creative juices were simply not flowing. So we made some nachos and watched A Walk to Remember instead.

Man, what a beautiful movie.
After Sarah, Holly, and I finished our psychology quiz on Saturday, Robyn and I picked up Heather and, once again, hit the stores. Man. How did we manage to buy so much stuff this weekend?
We arrived back to the house and started prepping for our ABBA debut. Wowwwwwwwwww. Too much fun. See previous post for pictures.
And theeeeeeeen it was off to Sarah and Skipper Junior's Mixer. In celebration of Sarah's and Rob's 18th birthdays. Aww. The SSJM also proved to be a whole lot of fun:
I have to say: Sarah pulls of an excellent emo look.
Announcing the arrival of Baby Bunting Smith. Above, Baby and Mommy share a bonding moment alone.
Proud Godmothers admire beautiful Baby Bunting.
Heather graced us with her presence and we loveddd it.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Ten Reasons
Ten reasons why today is going to rock:
1) Getting a psychology quiz overwith.
2) Hanging out with my dear friend Heather.
3) Having too much fun dressing up as a blank.
4) Giving presents.
5) Eating cake.
6) Celebrating Sarah's birthday.
7) Celebrating Sarah's birthday.
8) Celebrating Sarah's birthday.
9) Celebrating Rob's birthday.
10) Celebrating Sarah's birthday.

Friday, October 27, 2006
Have Fun with Your Native Conversations
The guy figured out my network stuff. Turns out that there is no domain at Memorial. Scorrrre.
Excerpts a la Robyn dans la library:
Did I tell you she changed my mark on the assignment.? She didn't even give me a mark; she just put F on it.
I guess if I had been smart I would have gotten 100.
Are you writing from the heart?
He talks like a Mainlander.
type that.
type that.
type that.
five one.
I smell of cheese and my bum is large.

Thursday, October 26, 2006
On and On and On
Today is an endless Thursday.
Exciting news:
I'm working on my english essay on advertisements and it's not sucking as much as I thought it would.
I found an extremely comfortable sitting position in physics today. I'll have to put it into practice in the three classes I have in that room.
I went to see an academic advisor yesterday and, if I want to major in psychology, I can drop chemsitry for biology. The thought of dropping chemistry rocks my socks. But is it ok that the thought of doing biology makes me want to vomit?
I finished this week's math assignment all by myself.
I haven't spoken to my parents once today. I'm getting kind of nervous.
New. Issue. of. The Muse.
CAPA: 3 for 17.
So. Yah. ummmm. I'm feeling horribly sulky tonight and I don't understand why. I have absolutely nothing to be sad about.
Happy thoughtssss:
Sarah's birthday party.
Heather is visiting.
Jack Johnson.
mmmm. bass trombone :)
Intelligent conversation with Housemate Andrew.
A Walk to Remember.
Sleeping tonight.
Reading my new Mitch Albom book (which, no, I haven't finished yet).
Psychology class with fun new teacher on Tuesday.
Eternal Life.
P.S. Post involving past band devotion in response to last night's band practice. Hold me to it.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
My One and Only Emo Episode
I like to watch Full House because the drama is going on in someone else's life.

Eighteen equals adulthood, folks.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Love Actually is All Around

BAM. Sleepover? Heck, yah.
We started off with a side trip to the Village Mall. Which was a little annoying. But we ate some McDonald's, got over that, and focused our minds on arts and crafts and over-consumption of cholesterol.
Back at home, we broke out the pictures and stickers and, under Sarah's guidance, started scrapbooks. mmmmmmm. Scrapbooks are funn.
Please note that these are not the nachos from last night.
Love Actually was an amazinggg movie. The first tray of nachos were amazingggg. The cold, second tray was not so good.
We did a teeny bit more scrapbooking to send us into slumber.
When we finally settled into bed, Robyn fell asleep, but Sarah and I stayed up a little longer to talk about junior high, bras, and boogers.
Mannn, sleeping downstairs is scary. I'd been trying to sleep for about fifteen minutes when I started hearing this plinkity-plunk sound from above me. Holy cowwww. I was pretty relieved when Sarah rolled and over and said "Meeeeeeeeaaaagannn?" I knew she'd protect me from the monsters. tehe.
In the morning, we made cinnamon rolls. Yummm. Here is an action picture of Sarah doing the baking.
And then we went to church. Me, without my trombone, because I'm stupid. That's another story.
We were invited to the Moore household for dinner after church. My tiredness was pretty apparent, as I was dropping food all over the place. It was a little embarassing. The food was soooooooo good and the thought was muuuch appreciated. But the dinner also meant the end of sleepover night and a lack of scrapbooking. A bitter sweet symphony.
And now my head hurts and I can't stop peeing. I'm off to do something ambitious and Betty Crocker-ish.
sigggh. Scrapbooking party next weekendddd?
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
To Those Canaan Days
So that chemistry test is over with now. Phew. Sanity returns for another month.
It feels super weird not to have anything crazily huge due tomorrow. I'm walking around the house wondering what I'm not doing. After school today, I took some time to "study english" and relax in the library before heading to Wal-mart to pick up a magazine for my english project. It's really weird that neither Robyn nor I have any girly magazines. It's been a long time since I actually cared about that stuff. While I was out, I also picked up the Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat soundtract. :) It's amazingggg. I want the JCS one too, but it's $35 and I'm pretty sure my birthday money has just about ran out.
Three days until Saturday. I am sooooooooooo looking forward to it. I don't know why. I've secretly never liked sleepovers. But the sleepover has been keeping me sane through the ridiculous amount of work I've had since I got back from Corner Brook and everything else that's been going on here. mmmmmmmm. A whooooooooooooole night not to have to worry about anything. I hope I'm really hyper. Like Tuesday in psychology. oh boy. What was that?
Monday, October 16, 2006
A Time to Embrace and A Time to Refrain
Oooook. Super fast update on my life before I go to bed.
This weekend was absolutely crazy. Friday and Saturday were pretty much totally claimed with the band recording. Ohmygoodness. Twenty eight takes on one song. Woooooooooow.
But it was pretty shweet to get in some bonding time with my bandmates. The girl who sits next to me is one of those people around whom I completely lose my sanity. She's like my Sarah Woodland here. During a break while we were recording, I started listening through my trombone mute. It was pretty trippy. Soon, the whole section was doing it. What's wrong with me?
Despite the crazy recording hours and the ridiculous amount of work I had to do, I managed to get a fair bit of hanging out time with housemates and others. Man. Group shopping rocks my socks.
Andrew fixed my lock on Saturday. Shweet.
And the Sunday services were once again excellent. I got to sit with Robyn for the evening service, which was quite fun, although not so good for my concentration. We sang the If Ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, tis now song again. It made me happy.
I will leave you with this lovely artistic addition to our household. Now it's like Sarah is aaalllways here. Robyn and I hug her every night before we go to bed.
Friday, October 13, 2006
This Obsession is My Call
I received two God forwards yesterday evening - one from Ali, and one from Tiffany. For some reason, they really meant a lot to me. I didn't forward them at first, more because most of my friends hate forwards than anything. Then I noticed that Tiffany forwarded hers to my brother too. So I forwarded Ali's to my sister, my brother, and back to Ali.
When we went to CF at the beginning of the year, the president said, "I think it's so beautiful that people from all different denominations can come together because they have one thing in common. Sometimes I cry."
Maybe he's not as crazy as we thought.

Mini Drawers
Mannn. I'm stuck eating by myself again.
Oh well. I don't feel quite as silly as last time, because my aunt took me out for lunch. :D
I'm totally making some house instant potatoes all for myself.
(I didn't get any of the house bread, so it's ok.)
Perhaps I should buy this book. tehe.

Thursday, October 12, 2006
Keep it Steady; You Were Never Ready

Dad, I'm trying really hard to stay positive about my classes.
I stayed optimistic all through chemistry class today. It was hard, but I did it. I think I absorbed some of the things he taught.
Andrew helped me with my physics today, and, in about forty minutes, my CAPA was done and I almost understood. Now to tackle this week's material.
Man. What's up with my back. Every time I move it feels like someone is pinching my spinal cord really hard. This sucks.
I'm pumped to go to band tonight. I love my trombone section. <3
I need to go see an academic advisor soon, because registration is right around the corner. What am I going to do next term? I really love psychology. I think you can major in psychology through either a science or an arts degree. I'm sure a science degree opens more doors for you, but you can become a psychologist with either a BA or a BSc. Man. I don't think I can handle four more years of stupid frustrating chemistry and physics courses. Seriously.
Next weekend needs to come fasterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I am tooooooo excited about the girls' sleepover.
Here is why it is going to be excellent:
1) Multiple movie watching
2) Baking and/or cooking
3) Arts and crafts
4) T-shirt making
5) A late-night escapade
6) Hair straightening/curling
7) Facial masks
8) Eyeshadow-on-Sarah-applying
9) Dancing
10) More dancing
I cannot wait. Hurrrrrrry.
Now I must edit my english assignment.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
My Rose and Lily
my Guardian, own me Thine.
Great blessings Thou didst give me,
O source of gifts divine.
Thy lips have often fed me
with words of truth and love;
Thy Spirit oft hath led me
to heavenly joys above.
Be Thou my consolation,
my shield when I must die;
Remind me of Thy passion
when my last hour draws nigh.
Mine eyes shall then behold Thee,
upon Thy cross shall dwell,
My heart by faith enfolds Thee.
Who dieth thus dies well.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Like a Bridge Over Troubled Waters
This weekend absolutely flew.
I drove from St. John's to Corner Brook for the first time on Friday. It was an interesting experience, but, with help from four eager alphabet game participants, it went pretty well.
The first thing I did in Corner Brook was visit my niece because it was her birthday. She didn't know I was home, and I think she got a bit of a fright. I'm trying not to take it personally.
Sarah and I then booted 'er o'er to the Pepsi Centre and, after some running in the frigid Corner Brook night air, arrived at YC with one minute and forty-six seconds to spare.
After YC on Friday, Sarah and I picked up some Tim Horton's and paid Heather a surprise visit. I honestly had so much fun catching Heather up on everything that's been happening since we left. It was nice to just talk and dump things off of our shoulders.
The rest of the weekend was spent at YC, visiting relatives, reuniting with Ashley, Scott, and Ryan, hanging out with Heather, Robyn, and Sarah, studying, and eating cake, cheesies, and nachos. Sarah, I spent the entire weekend with you, yet I don't have annny pictures of us. Waddupwitdat? You have all the good ones.

I really enjoyed being back in Corner Brook for a weekend. I wish I'd had more time to spend time with my friends and parents. But being home was somewhat strange. Things in my house have changed. Things within my group of friends have changed. Things in town have changed. But this doesn't really make me sad. I've changed.
I doooo miss Heather a lot.
And YC never ceases to inspire me. The bands were amazing. The speakers were excellent beyond words. And I cannot express how much joy it brings me to have some of my best friends sitting beside me. Nothing makes me more emotional than witnessing someone I love worshiping Jesus.
In conlusion, I love Sarah and Robyn. We are best friends in love with eachother. And that's ok.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Never Give Up on the Good Times

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Butterfly Kisses
Today is Sunday.
I went to church.
Then studied.
Then went to band practice.
Now I'm skipping church to do some more studying.
First, I'm taking a break to eat some chip and dip.
mmm, chip and dip.
All of this studying is depressing me.
I feel like I haven't seen anyone since Friday.
Which is completely untrue. You're weird, Meagan.
It's really cool how many little nice things have been making me happy lately.
Like last week when the guy in the UC asked if I wanted his extra chair.
And the guy at the movie theatre who gave me two cups because he felt bad for not being able to give me a gravy cup.
And Sarah, who carried my bag to church today.
And Kate, who said "Don't you love her? I love her. She's my favourite." (favourite what?)
And Amanda, who put her arm around me and asked me where my crowd was on Friday night.
Soo. How about that studying.
Every Now and Then

I've been pondering this meaningful post for some time now. It was supposed to be for a certain October 23rd occasion, but I'm being harassed to post now. Ok. Here goes.
I remember when you first moved to Corner Brook in grade one. The teacher asked you to read something aloud, and I was so impressed with how well you could read. In my little five-year-old mind, I think I was secretly jealous. I remember your red leather backpack that your uncle made for you. I remember thinking, when I went to your house for the first time, that it was totally cool that your brothers got to share a room. I remember when we did our first Christmas musical, and I wanted to be an elf really badly, so you asked Mr. Graham if I could take your part. I remember when you came camping with me and were too cold to go in the pool. I remember doing the tango at your elementary school birthday parties. I remember when my Elmo and your Cabbage Patch Doll got married. I remember sitting for hours on the swings outside of T and C Irving and making up Brownie Camp songs. I remember being really sad when you got switched to St. Gerard's. I remember looking forward to the stickers and necklaces that we'd exchange at my New Year's Eve parties after you left Humber. When you moved to Grand Falls, I remember dreaming once that you moved back, and waking up in quite a frantic state. And I remember having a big "wowzaaa" moment when you suddenly did move back to Corner Brook in grade eight after I hadn't seen you for two years.
Can you imagine being Ms. Brake, and thinking that two of your little grade one friends would grow up to be best friends and roommates in university?
Words cannot express how happy I am that you're here too. I convinced myself to go to St. John's because you'd be going with me. I plow through school because I know you'll make me laugh when I get home. I got through my first two weeks at music school because you were sulking right beside me. And I'll get through this stupid semester of science with your encouragement too.
I am convinced that part of the reason why we are both here is to see eachother through.
So, Happy Early Birthday, Robyn. I love you. I hope we are friends forever. I hope that, in ten years, we'll be listening to the Spice Girls, exchanging baby pictures, and reliving our weddings. And that is perhaps the most sincere thing that I have said to you thus far.
You'll always be there for me, won't you, Pooh?