Never Give Up on the Good Times
Today was funnnnn.
When I got up for a shower, there was a happy birthday sign on the bathroom mirror from Robyn.
Later, presents from my parents and Josh.
At school, Holly gave me a hug and Robert gave me the most randomly funny card everr.
After my physics exam, Sarah was waiting at home with the rest of the family.
I should have known after she shrugged me off when I mentioned it this morning.
Josh cooked.
We had chicken
and fries
and balogna cups
and quesadillas
and rainbow caaaaaake.
And I received some of the most thoughtful gifts ever.

I've wanted one for so long. :)

I secretly like my hair. I look like the black girl in the movie poster.
Robyn and I lid on my bed
while Sarah rolled around on my central nervous system.
And her parents think I'm crazy?
And, finally, I skipped off of band in a true I'm-now-a-rebellious-adult fashion.
I actually went, I was just a little late.
Ten more minute of celebrating.
I realized that the posts that mean the most to me are almost always the short ones.
Definitely one of the better ones.
Thanks, guys.

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