Another One Bites the Butt
I have a friend, her name is Sarah
and sweater vests she does wear-a
Her hair is long and really straight
she doesn't tie it back, for it's so great
It's pretty dark, a walnut brown
it's so nice when she wears it down
Holy poo, holy cow
I want Sarah's hair right now
It swings back and forth when she does walk
like a pendulum on a grandfather clock
If it was thick, she'd look like a moose
It it was frizzy, she'd look like a goose
It it was curly, a poodle she'd be
or, even worse, she'd look like me!
Sarah's hair, it is so nice
she's really lucky she doesn't have lice
as that would be bad for her beautiful hair
and people around would laugh and stare
Now they stare at her dandy locks
because Sarah simply rocks.

Haha, thanks Meagan, your poem is beautiful. My facial hair picture on the other hand...
6:05 PM
How come I don't get a poem?!
6:12 PM
yeah I agree with Robyn, how come i don't get a poem?!
6:44 PM
Nobody gets a poem except Sarah apparently.
We can all feel rejected together.
7:14 PM
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