We Can Only Go On Loving; All the Answers Lie Written in the Stars
On Friday, I met Heather at 2 and we hit the mall. I don't know what we were doing, but we were there for a whole lot of time and ended up getting a whole lot of stuff.
Back at home, after a nasty-looking-but-actually-pretty-ok supper of a taco bake, Sarah, Robyn, and I went downstairs and attempted to scrapbook, but found our creative juices were simply not flowing. So we made some nachos and watched A Walk to Remember instead.

Man, what a beautiful movie.
After Sarah, Holly, and I finished our psychology quiz on Saturday, Robyn and I picked up Heather and, once again, hit the stores. Man. How did we manage to buy so much stuff this weekend?
We arrived back to the house and started prepping for our ABBA debut. Wowwwwwwwwww. Too much fun. See previous post for pictures.
And theeeeeeeen it was off to Sarah and Skipper Junior's Mixer. In celebration of Sarah's and Rob's 18th birthdays. Aww. The SSJM also proved to be a whole lot of fun:
I have to say: Sarah pulls of an excellent emo look.
Announcing the arrival of Baby Bunting Smith. Above, Baby and Mommy share a bonding moment alone.
Proud Godmothers admire beautiful Baby Bunting.
Heather graced us with her presence and we loveddd it.
that first pic won't show up!
5:30 PM
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