Like a Bridge Over Troubled Waters
This weekend absolutely flew.
I drove from St. John's to Corner Brook for the first time on Friday. It was an interesting experience, but, with help from four eager alphabet game participants, it went pretty well.
The first thing I did in Corner Brook was visit my niece because it was her birthday. She didn't know I was home, and I think she got a bit of a fright. I'm trying not to take it personally.
Sarah and I then booted 'er o'er to the Pepsi Centre and, after some running in the frigid Corner Brook night air, arrived at YC with one minute and forty-six seconds to spare.
After YC on Friday, Sarah and I picked up some Tim Horton's and paid Heather a surprise visit. I honestly had so much fun catching Heather up on everything that's been happening since we left. It was nice to just talk and dump things off of our shoulders.
The rest of the weekend was spent at YC, visiting relatives, reuniting with Ashley, Scott, and Ryan, hanging out with Heather, Robyn, and Sarah, studying, and eating cake, cheesies, and nachos. Sarah, I spent the entire weekend with you, yet I don't have annny pictures of us. Waddupwitdat? You have all the good ones.

I really enjoyed being back in Corner Brook for a weekend. I wish I'd had more time to spend time with my friends and parents. But being home was somewhat strange. Things in my house have changed. Things within my group of friends have changed. Things in town have changed. But this doesn't really make me sad. I've changed.
I doooo miss Heather a lot.
And YC never ceases to inspire me. The bands were amazing. The speakers were excellent beyond words. And I cannot express how much joy it brings me to have some of my best friends sitting beside me. Nothing makes me more emotional than witnessing someone I love worshiping Jesus.
In conlusion, I love Sarah and Robyn. We are best friends in love with eachother. And that's ok.
I will sing to the Lord
for He has been good to me
I will sing to you, Lord
you have been good to me

this post is b-e-a-utiful. I will have to do some blogspotting very soon, methinks.
9:59 PM
oh, p.s, I AM in love with you. And Sars.
10:36 PM
We all just rock so much.
P.S. 'We Have Already Won'=Tree63
10:36 AM
Hey! I really like that picture of me and you! Yeah this weekend was awesome! To bad you couldn't stay longer :( Anyways i'll ttyl! :) I miss you!
4:28 PM
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