The Boys are Back in Town

Nationals was quite different this year. Different in how it was run, different in how I felt, different in who I was with. Different good? I can honestly say that this is the first camp, conference, or trip that I have ever went on that, upon arriving back home, I sat down and thought to myself, "I want to go back to camp."
We are back at school. Some of my classes are pretty interesting, I must say. And SASF meetings have started, which is also pretty exciting. And we're having a party-type-thing tonight. Exciting.
This is going to be a different year, it seems. I'm not sure how I feel about that in certain respects. Part of the gander plan? :)
And, finally, it only hit me today that I will not see Heather for a long long time. I was thinking that it would be like last year, but that is not true. So, since I didn't blog for you before I left like I said I would . . .

I love you