Monday, July 30, 2007
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Stomp Until You Drop
Dear Sarah,
Thank you very much for your letter. I felt special indeed.
It is so good to hear that things are looking up in the Arctic (get it . . . up . . . North . . . Arctic . . . get it). Your story of your new best friend was actually very touching; you know I love that stuff. I also look forward to hearing about your someone, as I know you are also aware. I also wish you luck with your tredmilling. I have always found music to be most practical. Though my tredmilling died long ago.
Lots has been happening in my life lately, too. As you know, I started a new job and I love it. My supervisor is amaaaaazing, and much of my time is spent in her office chatting. She is sweet and understanding and such a good person to tell stories to. You would like her, I know.
I spent this past weekend in Springdale, as you also know. I think I may have found a grandparent who almost ties Grammy in the coolness competition. Allison calls her grandfather Dadden and he is also amazing. Before I left he told me I had to raise my right hand and solemnly swear to come back again sometime. You would like him, too, I know. Outside Dadden, I also had a lovely weekend, as you have heard a bit about. There may have been the smallest bit of spooning, and I may have shared our Jack Johnson story. People have that girl figured out wrong, I tell you.
Another aspect of my Springdale trip that you should know is that I felt an overwhelming urge to break into my special move at one point in time. At the Canada Day celebrations, a band was playing a song called "The Newfie Stomp." You may have heard it. It is the perfect Meagan Dance song. I restrained myself, though. Alas, I must wait for Allison to be fully moved in and invested into our house before she is exposed to the Meagan Dance. I cannot afford to lose a roommate and dear friend at this point in my life.
Well that is all that I have time for tonight. It is late for me, and I am quite tired these days.
I hope your Arctic days continue to look up. They will, I am sure, if you make them that way. I attach a picture to remind you of the good old days.
Take care of yourself.

Monday, July 02, 2007
You are My Sunshine

I spent my first full weekend in Springdale over the past couple of days. I had such a lovely time, and it had nothing to do with where I was or what I did.
What did I ever do to deserve such amazing, loving friends?
And that is the thing.
I could never deserve the love I've been given.
And as I contemplated this in my time of reflection this morning, I realized that the only thing that I've ever been promised is that the Grace of God will follow me always. And, in this lifetime, it is all I will ever need.
Any friendship, joy, or love that I am given, therefore, is a blessed bonus; a measure of Grace that I thank God for every day.