Did I choose to love?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Morning Rain is Falling

For those of you who are interested, here is a summary of my return home thus far:

Sunday Evening
spent too long bringing in stuff
ate supper
went to bed

arose at approximately 10:30
showered, dressed, brought Mom to work
began gutting my room
took a short break at 2:45
forgot to re-start cleaning
warmed supper, ate with Dad
picked up Mom from work
went to Wal-mart
came home
went to bed

arose at approximately 9:30
showered, dressed, ate breakfast, brought Mom to work
continued to try to clean my room fairly unsuccessfully
picked Sarah Woodland up from school
visited Erika (t'was her birthday)
realized I hadn't done the dished as I had promised Dad
went to Sarah's house to help her with her math
rushed home to do the dishes (Dad beat me anyway)
helped heat up supper, ate with Dad
picked up Mom
added pictures to facebook
took night time cold medication but did not go to bed
watched House
went to bed feeling very drugged

arose at approximately 10:00
showered, dressed, brought Mom to work
ate lunch (did I neglect mentioning lunch on Monday and Tuesday?)
got haircut
got glasses straightened
booked dentist appointment
saw Meredith
visited Grammy
was joined by Aunt Pauline
brought Aunt Pauline home and saw pictures of her new grandson
had intense period of missing St. John's friends, was consoled by Allison and Amanda
heated supper, ate with Dad
picked up car
picked up Robyn, went to Wal-mart, Buck or Two, and Tim Horton's
picked up Sarah Woodland for her birthday
went to Sarah's and watched a home-made film
came home, took night time cold medication
await repercussions

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Even if it's just for a few days

The furniture is stored, the bags are packed, the friends have left.

How do I feel? Excited? Sad?

Bits and pieces of everything.

But, most of all, freaking grateful. That Jesus' blood never failed me yet. That God's plan is bigger than mine. That I've lived so fully in such a short time.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Light Up as if you have a Choice

I am a wealth of emotion these days. Two more days. I feel bad because I haven't been concentrating on or expressing excitement about returning home. I am going home. After a year of uncertainty and a bit of discontentment, I am returning to the place where I am most loved in the entire world. How could that not be a good thing?

But I stand amazed at how wonderful the last little while has been. The last couple of months have been such a turn around for me. I am truly blessed. I have no doubt that, next week, I will be enjoying being back where I belong. But, right now, I need to finish soaking up the home that I'm slowly finding before I leave it for a while.

Light up, light up, as if you have a choice.
Even if you cannot hear my voice, I'll be right beside you, dear.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Goodbye to You

Soooooo I have to drop my laptop off at Staples today to get fixed. Who knows how long it shall take.

So all of you who are excited about my awesome updates at this time in my life, sorry. Trust me, my pain is greater than yours.

Sigh. I do not like feeling cut off.

Monday, April 09, 2007

It's like True Love Splashed All Over the Camera

I feel closest to heaven while in the presence of my dearest friends. In my years of trial and heartbreak, no other phenomenon has intrigued me more than the bond of friendship. It is not obligated, not influenced by petty passion, not genetically predisposed. It endures, lifts, and heals. Indeed, deep friendship is the truest form of mortal love that I have ever known.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

So, By the Way, I Thank You

I had this amazing conversation with my good friend Jillian today. I showed her this picture from Boston Pizza where Amanda Marsh and I are totally having a moment. Look how happy we look! Out of nowhere, Jillian said, and I quote, as best as I can remember, "Know what? Sometimes I get so overwhelmed by how much I love my friends that I don't think there'll ever be room for boy-love." She pointed to her display picture and said, "Look at Natalie. Who could ever make me feel the way she does?"

And I still can't get over the blunt truth of her words. Who in the world, ever, could make me feel the way my friends do? Overwhelming was definitely a good choice of words.

We concluded that this deep friendship connection probably won't be this intense forever, and, one day, we will have a need for boy-connection.

But until then (I love this song through its lameness)

Keep smiling, keep shining
knowing you can always count on me, for sure.
That's what friends are for.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Let All Creation Testify

When I survey the wondrous cross
on which the Prince of Glory died
my richest gain I count but loss
and pour contempt on all my pride.

It is finished.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Wherever You've Been

So I'm making myself blog today because it's been too long.

What's exciting in my life?


School ends tomorrow. Woooooooooooooow. I cannot believe a year of university classes is over. How time has flown.

Concert Band Concert tomorrow night at 8. woooo, do it.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand guess who's going to get an Easter Sunday lunch? US. Nice Marsh Mom, looking out for the less-parented.

Ummm yah that's it. Maybe, one day, I'll be inspired again.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

You Stand

This. Makes. Me. Happy.