So it's Kiwanis Music Festival time in SinJawn's and tonight in concert band I sat between two first placers in their respective concert groups. I felt so small in the shadow of their self-induced glowage.
It's so funny to think where we'd all be this time last year. Don't get me wrong; Music Festival had it's fun times and was usually quite rewarding. But it was
all-consuming. We started with our pieces in the summer, sent in our applications in the fall, practiced all winter, spent an entire week and a half out of school in March, grumbled about who should have won or who made a bad call all spring, and the vicious cycle started all over again. It was
who we were.
How crazy were we, though? We fought so hard for that .5 of a mark to beat David Hutchings and cried the times when we didn't get it.
Crazy. Who really cares? What music school in the entire world is going to care if we won our solo or our concert group, or even the Rosebowl in Corner Brook, NL?
That's one thing that I do find has changed a lot in university: my perspectives. I kind of feel like I'm slowly realizing the insignificance of some of these things in life. I'm making friends with people in my classes whom I know I would
never have spoken to in high school. And I got called a nutcase yesterday, and it's still making my life. It was followed by the words, "But we still love you, though," but, because of my
new perspectives, I knew that anyway.