Repeat the Sounding Joy

Sooooooooo who likes to show up for the bus an hour an a half early? Robyn and Meagan.
The bus ride definitely wasn't that bad. The movies and snack-age definitely helped.
And now I'm home for Christmas. I don't understand where the term went.
When I showed up at band tonight, they clapped. It was lame and embarassing, but it made me feel loved. There was also much hugging from Erika, Denise, Sarah, Darren, Wendy, and, especially, Dave Wells, which made my dayyyy.
I'd continue describing the wonderful things of home, but it'd just bore you.
So breakfast with Sarah tomorrow. Lunch and afternoon with Heather. Checking up on Katie's, Jacob's, and Sarah's babysitting of Denise's baby after supper(for reals; Denise doesn't trust them and neither would I). Movie and evening with Heather, Meredith, and everyone else?
P.S. Present-giving time is totallyyyyyyy even closer today than it was yesterday.
Heather guesses "Joy to the World."
She just can't comment at the moment.
But she told me over msn.
For reals.
9:40 AM
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