How Silently the Wondrous Gift is Giv'n

Yah, we burnt supper again. Luckily, we only cooked half the pizza the first time, so we had another frozen half ready to go.
So physics exams suck so much. Is it possible to do any more to prepare than we did? Didn't think so.
Ali and I went shopping today and I somehow managed to buy more stuff for Christmas. I'm being consumed and it's awesome.
So now I'm going to bed really early. Because I just studied for a while, and I want to avoid retroactive interference. After brushing my teeth in the NSC, where my brain creates beta waves, I expect to spend a little time reading and thinking, involving alpha waves, 2-5 minutes in stage one sleep, about 20 in stage 2 sleep, where I might have some sleep spindles and start talking, five or so minutes in transition in stage 3 sleep, 25 minutes or so in stage 4 sleep with delta waves and growth horomone-secretion, before rewinding and heading into REM sleep for 45 minutes or so. Score. If only I'd remember that in the morning.

I think you meant wondrous gift.
AKA, O Little Town...
11:25 PM
loves it.
7:59 PM
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