Ransom Captive Israel
So today was eventful. Mom woke me up at 8:30 and my eyes absolutely refused to open. For reals. Mom and Dad took off for the morning so I could get some studying done. Chemistry and psychology. woohoo.
At 2, I went to band practice, which was hard core and not surprising. Oh well.
After practice, Mom and Dad finally took me to the RBBH. I got nothing. I don't get it; I'm usually so successful in that store.
Then we picked up a few necessary groceries to get me through the next couple of weeks (cheese was on sale, so we bought one of those big things. oh boyyy. So little time, and so much eatin'. I may need some help:) ).
We had lunch-ish items at East Side Mario's at 4:30 or so. mmmmmm. Love that Lotza Cheese Cappelletti.
The concert tonight was ridiculously long, but, overall, it was well put together. Apparently, the St. John's Choir joined us. I was all mixed up and expecting the songsters or something. We did this Christmas Praise song where we kind of circled the perimiter of the sanctuary and played from memory. They dimmed the lights so it was just the Christmas lights (ohhhhhh, btw, the church decorated for Christmas is gorgeousssss when it's lit up) and it was a pretty nice moment. And there were powerpoints and dressing up like Hawaiians and that sort of thing. All very exciting stuff.

When I came home, I had chip and dip with my parents and it was surprisingly unappealing. Speaking of unappealing, does the dip in this picture not make you want to vomit?

Hey Sarah. I watched a program on NTV tonight about the RCMP in Toronto (did you see it?). Scary stuff, my dear. But, if you're going to do it, I think you should eventually join the Emergency Tast Force. It sounds more dangerous, but they're better trained and stuff, and they're always expecting the worst - duh -, so there have been no officer deaths. Don't be a sniper, though. I don't want you to have to deal with having to shoot someone.
So, education in Newfoundland is rocking these days, eh? Everyone heard about the whole Paradise Elementary fiasco. Herdman is being blown to the moon as we speak. J.J. Curling Elementary in Corner Brook was apparently closed all last week. They have a really bad ventilation system that sucks out more air than it replaces, and things like exploded (figuratively, of course) when someone wasted oil in the furnace room and the air was polluted forever. And now Humber Elementary - my school - is closed for the rest of the year. Mould in the air. They had that problem when I was there too. Glad to know it's been operating for 6 years under a state of mould-replenishment.

"Happy students go to school
at Humber Elementary.
Humber is a global school
and people think it's deadly."
No kidding.
My parents and I are going downtown to this place called Breakfast Bagel or something tomorrow morning before they leave. I'm actually really excited. Yah, I know. Me, the despiser of all things breakfast. But they have these huge waffles with cream and real strawberries and manderines that are sooooooooooooo good. I can't wait. I can't wait. Hey. Why have we never gone there either? Man. We're missing out on stuff by eating at home.
So that's about it. Random post. Church tomorrow. Then studying and tutoring. I have this huge desire to go see a movie soon. Hugggeee.
And I've decided to name my blogs from Christmas songs from now until Christmas. See who's first to say the name of the song. I'll try my darndest to post every day. Whoever gets the most will get an extra candy cane on their Christmas card. tehe. For reals.
9:48 AM
O Come, O Come, Emanuellll.
Is is the Bagel Cafe you're going to? I've never heard of this "Breakfast Bagel".
And I can't say I'll promise to join the ETF. MAYBE I'LL JUST JOIN CSIS!
11:17 AM
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