Born that Man No More Shall Die

Elvis is therapeutic tonight. I'll explain more later.
If you love me, be happy for me. My chemistry exam actually went pretty well. I've been such a frigging let down to myself these past couple of months, and it was so satisfying to walk out of the exam room knowing I did ok.
I've been so sombrely reflective this week. I suppose it's the lack of seeing people. It's a little sad that our last week together before our three-week break is being spent in solitary confinement.
But Robyn and I are letting glimpses of Christmas into our lives in between studying. Tonight, we replaced her (/Sarah's) birthday decorations with Christmas garland to match our tree. And I got new presents for my nieces, which I am very excited about. (I don't understand why some of my Christmas gifts have been so perfect, while others take so many tries to get right.) Christmas presents excite me so much. How many more days until I get to give themmmmmmmm?
So, returning to Elvis. I was going to write, "The Lord is good, amen?" after my triumphant chemistry declaration. But, really, this one course that this one girl is taking in university isn't that big of a deal. The Lord will still be good, even if I fail chemistry. Amen?
Which brings me to the Elvis song that randomly appeared on the CD I'm listening to tonight. I'm trying to live by it these days, because it's so true:
Give thanks for all you've been blessed with
and hold your loved ones tight
for you know the Lord has been good to you
on a snowy Christmas night.
Amen girl, 'cause there's no way I'm passng theory.
p.s Hark the Herald Angels Sing?
8:12 AM
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