Men Have Stopped Believing; Forgotten How to Pray
Today was ridiculously crazy. Church, two Carol Services, and a Chorale Concert. I went to visit Mr. White before the Carol Service, but I pretty much got harpooned by Amanda, Nicole, and Kristin on the way and ended up not getting to talk to him. No complaints, though. They're all awesome.
OH. And I randomly saw Nancy in the church parking lot. She got home last nighttt. :) She's going to Meredith's on Saturday and it's going to be hoppin'. Apparently, she's developed some kind of allergy to the polluted air in Toronto, and her eyes are all swollen and red. It's all very sad. Another reason for her to return to Corner Brook after she's finished saving the world! <3
Jane randomly shared an epiphany with me last night at skating. No one decides to go astray. Few people make conscious decisions to stop going to church, become a druggie, get pregnant. You don't feel like going one Sunday. You get spiked. You let your guard down. Life in it's entirety kind of made sense just for a second.
Tomorrow's going to consist of getting my eyebrows done (finally), going to visit Grammy (finally), shopping with my mom, finishing the Christmas ornaments with Heather, and sending out my Christmas cards that I somehow managed to still have in my possession.
In the meantime, here are some of the many reasons why our best friend - whom I love dearly, and of whom I am incredibly proud for sticking to her guns even though life has sucked a little over the past few months - is not pathetic, but is rather very, very cool.

Ok, I googled the title and I've got nothing! :o(
7:05 AM
awww thanks Meagan! :o) <3 I looovesss youuuu!!
12:18 PM
Come Lord Jesus! I didn't get any help on that one at all! Nope! No sir-ee bob! bahaha
1:32 PM
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