My Nuggets are Like Dinosaurs
My name is Meagan and I like to clean things.
baha. Not so much. But today was our house cleaning day. And as painful as it was, I am incredibly proud of the thorough job we did. Cleaned two bathrooms, swept and vacuumed the whole house, did laudry, and beat rugs until all my anger was released. haha. True story. The beating of the rugs was actually a little refreshing. Try it some time.
Andrew made us all omelettes during the clean-age. How shweet.
After brunch, Robyn and I met Sarah at the mall. We saw a fashion show and I returned my shirt. We also saw a super cool shirt at Bluenotes, but, apparently, Bluenotes only sells for stick people. Whatever.
Toys R Us was the next fun place to visit. Holy lots of cool toys. I miss childhood.
We had lupper at Pizza Express. Our waitress was pretty dern cool. Here are Sarah's nugget and fries:

Robyn and I had nachos. With jalapeno peppers. Yumm.

Back at at the Freshwater home, we broke out the sidewalk chalk. Tooooo cool.
Sidewalk chalk + Spice Girls = Too Much Fun
After chalk, we rented Akeelah and the Bee at the incredibly overpriced Freshwater Video. It was great and G rated. We love Javier.
Good day. I love my friends a whole lot. Just thought I'd add that.
Tomorrow is church. Yaaay:)
Oh yah. We went to CF last night. It was pretty nice. There were forty or so people there, and they were all really great. I've been in music school for three days and like one person has spoken to me, and in the hour and a half that we were there last night, we met like 15 amazing people.
The more I think about it, the more I realize that I probably won't be the stereotypical music student who's life (aka lunches and friends) revolves around the music school. Oh well. I think I'll be covered.
On another note, I still haven't blogged about the wonderful week that was Nationals. I really am going to soon. I just learned and took home so much. I need solid blogging hours to even come close to doing it justice. But I promise. It's coming soon.
You went to a fashion show?! That's so cool!! I was home studying all day. It was suckish. Call me soon! :)
9:41 AM
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