Home of the Flying Sea Hawks

I'm so confused. Every morning of the week, I wake up at six thirty, leave for school at seven thirty-five, and start three hours of classes at eight. Except Tuesday. I have one class at eleven and one at one. It's lunchtime and I'm still waking up. How straaange.
In the meantime, I'm finally getting ahead of my work. I left my history project at home, so I have nothing to do during the gigantic gap between aural skills and festival choir. It's a weird feeling.
In other news, I checked the concert band seating list. Lookiedat, I made the band. Principal second trombone. ha. Yuss.
12:06 PM
wait, i thought your class was at 10. where were you whe you posted this?
12:07 PM
She was on my oh-so-awesome MacBook Pro, in the Food court.
/is awesome
3:04 PM
Congrats my dear!! :) See I told you it would get better!
3:51 PM
hi ^_^ lol i don't even know you except that you play trombone & were in the trombone quartet or something last year... lol. so i'm just randomly commenting on your blog...heh
8:20 PM
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