Yay for nice men who snowblow your driveway and nice women who loan you their extra shovel.
This weekend has been random random. Fun, yah, but random. 

AJ and I went to the library today to work on our sociology project, and it did not go well. I was trying to write an essay about gender socialization and, for the first time this year, I felt really happy that I'm doing a science degree. I was trying to write all this crap about how, as a girl, I wouldn't be as sensative and compassionate if society didn't tell me I had to be, and I realized I didn't even care about or believe anything I was saying. Science degrees suck. But I don't have the patience for this ambiguous arts stuff. Not for anything more than an elective, anyway.
So, I'm watching Full House. Apparently Bob Saget is a dirty old man. Noooooooooo.
what are you eating?!
4:39 PM
sociology sucks! haha... but sobeys and gummybears are cool!
11:11 PM
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