If You Knew How Much This Moment Means to Me
My bestest friend once said "Forget Prince Charming, my friends are the loves of my life!" This Valentine's Day has signed and sealed this declaration for me, not really because of my obvious lack of boyfriend, but more because of my even more obvious abundance of truly amazing friends. A snapshot of the photographical parts of my Valentine's Day:

All you kids with your boyfriends are missing outtttttttttttttt.
So, I had some thinking time last night while I was trying to sleep. My friend who stutters is probably the most patient person I know. My friend who has CP tremors is probably the most accepting person I know. Their flaws have moulded who they are.
Doesn't that apply to all of us? We're so quick to think about the things from which our flaws are holding us back. But what about the subtle differences that these little things are making to our world?
Fuzzy hair, chubby cheeks, big boobs, no boobs, pot belly, chunky thighs, chicken legs. All influencing who we are becoming.
I must say, this Valentine's day is probably my best so far, no joke.
I'm going to wear that pin every Valentine's day.
Even if I happen to one day be fortunate to have a real live boyfriend on February 14th.
Your lover
11:40 PM
i don't see any pictures of your cool valentine mailbox! haha
6:25 PM
so true... everything "wrong" with us makes us who we are
12:34 AM
I totally love your attitude... and understanding that our "flaws" make us all unique and mold us to who we are is such an important thing to remember... not many people do!
8:07 AM
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