Did I choose to love?

Friday, February 02, 2007

Play that Funky Music White Boy

Meagan woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Yay.

My sociology midterm was good. Someone took our seats, so we found the last set of three seats on the other side of the room and sat as we usually do. It was pretty cute-sy.

Jacob showed up today. He claimed my computer, made fun of my playlist, and helped me make supper. Some things never change.

And for the first time ever, I stayed home on a Friday night to study. The work I have to do between now and midterm break is inconceivable. I don't understand how I get stuff done anymore.

Robyn and I just finished watching Now and Then (which I bought in the $5 bin because I didn't think anyone would be home after I finished studying). Man, that movie makes me wish I lived in the 70s soooo bad. I'm pretty sure I love every single song that came out of that decade.

That's it for now. Happy Groundhog Day, y'all.


Blogger Sarah said...


We should watch that tonight. Twice.

11:28 AM


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