Rainy Days and Mondays

So yah. I think the plan is to start some psychology until lunch time, which will be ok, because it's impossible to not understand psychology and I won't get stressed. Then I'll have some Pizza Hut leftovers for lunch, about which I am superrrr excited (Sarah, you forgot yours. I'll save 'em.). Then physics and math and chemistry after lunch I guess. I'll figure it out.
I need to get some more studying done tonight, so I think Ali is coming over at eight or nine to watch a movie or something. I'm pretty excited. I've always loved Ali a whole lot. I don't understand why I haven't done anything with her yet.
So that's my blogging for this morning. Expect to read more from today, because of the isolated studying situation as previously discussed. But after today, it's hard core "oh no, I don't get this stuff and my exam is tomorrow" studying time. So probably no blogging. Sigh. How many more years until I graduate?
P.S. Robyn and Sarah, the mandarines are definitely of regular price quality. Fifty cents each! Next time, we'll stock up.
Hey, I've got three exams in two days too. Gross eh?
You'll do fine, I'm sure.
1:08 PM
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