Do You Remember the Day when My Journey Began
So yesterday was Friday and everyone was busy. Robyn and I had plans to go to YFM at church, but, at 4:00, we were just hanging out finishing homework and sketching (guess who was doing what). So then we were all, "Hey. We love eachother. LET'S GO SOMEWHERE." So we threw together a quick supper of beandip (complete with Full House) and, after a pit stop at dear Sarah's, headed to the Avalon. I got some Christmas gifts. I got my diseased phone checked out. We looked for CDs. Robyn bought lip gloss. But the most important part was picking out eachother's Christmas gifts.
Robyn says: "Ready when you are."
Meagan says: "Do you have your camera ready?"
door creaks open
Robyn says: "Psst. Come to my change room."
Robyn and Meagan say: "tehehe"

Merry Christmas Robyn and Meagan!
So then we were cool and spent some time bonding over white hot chocolate at a super cool coffee place we discovered. tehehehehe. Nice plant, eh?
Before leaving the house, we heard word that Andrew was taking Suzanne to CF tonight, so we decided to be supportive and go to the CF coffee house instead. Ok. CF rocks. It started out with a half hour of singing worship songs. Then there was a speaker who was actually really good. He was really inspirational. I want to practice my homeless-feeding on the streets of St. John's before I hit up New York. Then they broke out the coffee and tea and lava lamps and beatniks and fiddles and Latin reading. It was h'awesome. I loved how they started with God and then moved on to the fun. And I loved how incredibly welcomed we were made to feel.
Robyn and I had to escape to the bathroom once because it was hot and we drank too much white hot chocolate. 

The CF kids obviously thought we were awesome.
Before heading home, Robyn and I went on another one of our adventures and tried to find downtown from over around East Side Mario's. We did eventually find it. And we accidentally found Quidi Vivi lake tooooo.
Then we came home and, distressed by our early supper, had some chip and dip and watched more Full House. Mini sleepover in Meagan's room! :)
Why was last night so enjoyable? I don't know. We do lots of fun stuff. But last night was all about talking and overcoming and proving that love rocksss. Best friends for evaaaaa.
You'll always be there for me, won't you Pooh?
it's suuuper how only one of my eyes is red in that hot chocolate picture. tehehe. Best friends for evaaa. Yeah, I would have to say that the CF kids definately thought we were cool.
11:51 AM
I <3 this post! :) The PJ's are awesome!! But now i'm missing you guys even mooore! And that's suckish. But in only 3 more weeks, I'll be done!! woot woot!! :)
4:40 PM
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